Executive Committee:

The responsibilities of the Executive Committee are to meet from time to time at the request of the President of the BCPOA or three members of the Board of Directors to discuss, analyze and develop plans of actions as to items of potential material significance affecting the interests of Beaver Creek property owners covered by the Bylaws of the BCPOA and report such items to the President and Board of Directors for resolution.  These responsibilities shall also include assuring that BCPOA Board actions are in compliance with the BCPOA By-laws and all applicable laws and regulations.  The responsibilities also include taking any disciplinary action that may be required regarding a member of the BCPOA or the Board Directors.  To the extent permitted by the Bylaws of the BCPOA, the Executive Committee may take action in lieu of the Board of Directors and/or officers of the BCPOA.


Bruce Kiely, President
Jane Heller
Laurie Herzog
Alexia Jurschak
Jeff Luker
John Manning
Gary Packer
Mike Trueblood

Nominating and Governance Committee:

The responsibilities of the Nominating and Governance Committee are to identify, solicit, vet and recommend to the BCPOA Board certain persons to be elected as members of the Board of Directors.  This Committee also shall have the duties and responsibilities of the Governance Committee as set forth in Article V of the BCPOA Bylaws.


Alexia Jurschak, Chair
Howard Fleishon
Jane Heller
Jeff Luker
John Manning
Bill Woolfolk

Social Committee:

The responsibilities of the Social Committee are to plan, organize and develop activities and social events for benefit of all BCPOA members and nonmembers who are property owners in Beaver Creek.  Upon approval of the Board of Directors of an event or activity, the Committee, with the assistance all Board members, shall implement the plans for the event or activity.


Debra Hynes, Chair
Lisa Brill
John Manning
Kim Moore
Jody Nyquist
Susan McDermott*

*Non-Board Member


The responsibilities of the Membership Committee are to develop plans for the recruitment and retention of BCPOA members for consideration by the Board of Directors.  Upon approval of plans by the Board, the Committee, with the assistance of all Board Members, shall implement the recruitment and retention plans.


Jane Heller, Co-Chair
Laurie Herzog, Co-Chair
Bruce Aronow
Kathy Gentry
Dan Maurer
Kim Moore


The responsibilities of the Legal Committee include, upon the request of the President and the Board of Directors, providing analysis and advice to the President and the Board of Directors as to compliance with the Bylaws of the BCPOA and to issues affecting the interests of Beaver Creek property owners.  The responsibilities include advising the President and the Board as to the advisability of retaining of legal counsel and proposed legal strategies for protecting and preserving the interests of the property owners in Beaver Creek.


Dave Scott, Chair
Ernie Elsner
Richard Massman


The responsibilities of the Bylaws Committee are, upon the request of the President or Board of Directors, to review the Bylaws of the BCPOA to assure conformance with the current operational practices of the BCPOA, the Board of Directors and the BCPOA Committees.  This Committee, in conjunction with the Legal Committee and upon request of the President or the Board of Directors or at their own initiative, shall propose amendments to the Bylaws as may be necessary to comply with applicable local, state and federal laws or to adopt new Bylaws or modify the Bylaws to address changed or new circumstances facing the BCPOA.


Dave Scott, Chair
Ernie Elsner
Richard Massman

Finance and Financial Oversight Committee:

The responsibilities of the Finance Committee include to assist in the development and review of the Annual Budget of the BCPOA.  This Committee shall have the duties as set forth in Article V of the BCPOA Bylaws. This Committee also may, from time to time, explore the prudent investment options for monies held in BCPOA accounts. The Chairman of this Committee shall be the Treasurer of the BCPOA.  This Committee also, at the request of the President or the board of Directors or on its own initiative review, may from time to time, review and evaluate and report to the Board the financial statements of the Beaver Creek Resort Company, The Beaver Creek Metro District and any other entity whose jurisdiction or activity may have an effect on the interests of the property owners in Beaver Creek.


Gary Packer, Chair
Ernie Elsner
Mike Trueblood


The responsibilities of the Communications Committee shall include convening quarterly meetings with senior employees of the Beaver Creek Resort Company and Vail Resorts regarding activities and operations of Beaver Creek Mountain and Village including, but not limited to winter ski operations, summer operations, Village operations, Metro District activities, Beaver Creek Club operations and Vilar Performing Arts Center activities. This Committee shall report the results of these meetings to the Board of Directors at the quarterly meeting immediately succeeding the Communications Committee meeting.


Alexia Jurschak, Chair
Mollie Grojean
Jane Heller
Jeff Luker
Wesley Sinor

Vision Committee:

The responsibility of the Vision Committee is to identify proposed projects, repairs or enhancements within Beaver Creek for the betterment of the Beaver Creek community and report such proposals to the Board of Directors for consideration.


Mollie Grojean, Chair
Howard Fleishon
Alexia Jurschak
Tom Lippincott
Wesley Sinor